“Sometimes I see, I see a different me”
Our eyes search for patterns, patterns interwoven within our life: a mixture of past and present with a pinch of anxiety and excitement of future, or they can be patterns in the constellations of night sky, or patterns we can’t fail to notice in the several graphs we draw during lab experiments, or patterns which call out a larger cause of worry (the graphs of increase in Carbon dioxide level and global rise in temperature have a distinct apparent similarity) or patterns in the cosmos: from the quarks hidden, to the largest structure of quasars now known, from scales of fermimeters to that of megaparsecs. There is symmetry and pattern we notice ever so frequently. Our tuned eyes that look out for symmetric patterns born in the web of consciousnesses.
As all these thoughts fused, I drew this. On an A3 sheet. First the eye, with pupil and iris drawn with compass and carefully later filled in with pens (back, orange, red, yellow). And then the eyelids and eyelashes with charcoal pencil, the eyelash colours were added with colourpencils. Later, the background was first sketched in pencil, then pen, and then the colours (oil pastels) added, with final touching done with black oil pastel.
